Goal: Mentorship Program for Chemistry Students is meant to enhance the experience of students entering UBC Chemistry this year by pairing them with senior students, who will become their mentors throughout the year. Mentors will be available to answer any of their mentees’ questions regarding their UBC Chemistry experience, connect them to the right resources and build a stronger community within the department.
Timeline: The recruitment and training will be happening in throughout term 1, while the actual program will begin in January term 2.
Mentor Training – Mid/Late November
Mentor/Mentee Pairing – Period between Mentor Training and Icebreaker Icebreaker – Early January
Mentor Meetings – January/February/March
End-of-year Event – Late March
Mentee Information
Mentees are students who started their first year at UBC Chemistry in 2018/2019 and are looking to connect with an upper year student in their program to find out about their experiences, get advice on how to succeed as a UBC Chemistry student and build meaningful connections with their peers
• Ask questions and learn from your senior peers’ valuable experiences
• Attend an Icebreaker and End-of-year events
• Be willing to participate in other activities with their mentors held by the Chemistry Department or UCS
Mentor Information
Mentors are upper year (3 and above) Chemistry students with diverse experience who are passionate about their subject and are willing to share their experience of being UBC Chemistry students with newly admitted Chemistry majors (mentees). Roles of a mentor include: sharing their experience with the newly admitted Chemistry and to promote student involvement and community building.
• Attend a mandatory mentor training in November
• Once assigned, initiate the conversation with their mentees
• Encourage mentees to ask questions and be available to respond within a set time frame
• Attend monthly mentor meetings to track progress and address difficult moments
• Build a network of passionate students within our department
• Improve your leadership skills through mentor training and meetings
• Create a stronger community and sense of belonging within UBC Chemistry
For more information, please contact ucsoutreach@gmail.com