Calling all UBC Chemistry Undergraduates, Graduates, Post-Docs, Faculty, and anyone else in the Department of Chemistry! The Undergraduate Chemistry Society (UCS) & and The Chemistry Graduate Student Society (CGSS) have joined forces to bring to you our newest and biggest event of the year: St. Patrick’s BeakerBuster! Continue reading
Author Archives: Jimmy Fung
Lab Tours
Interested in learning more about a professor’s research interests? Want to see what is like inside their research lab? By popular demand, YOUR UCS is bringing back Lab Tours! Continue reading
Tie Dye Lab Coats

Hey there, yes you, with the white lab coat … Tired of looking like every other Chemistry student? Why not take a chance, get creative, get messy and make your own sweet Tie Dye Lab Coat!
Chemistry Forum 2016
Unless you’re a computer science major like myself, you’re probably pretty lost about potential job prospects once you graduate. Fear not my friends, YOUR UCS has your back. Welcome to Chemistry Forum 2016!!
Hello friends, how are you? I’m doing great cause I just got tickets to Chemiformal. What’s that? you don’t know what it is? No shame my friend, Let me enlighten you. Continue reading
Faculty Meet and Greet
How much do you know about your professors? Maybe they’re a whovian, my friend Crystal would like that. Or maybe they’re a huge Bruins fan, though they certainly wouldn’t advertise that in Vancouver (I know I wouldn’t). Or maybe your professor use to be the world tap dancing champion but left the scene after a disgraced performance. You’ll never know, but you could certainly try to find out all of this and more at the Faculty meet and greet! Just remember to RSVP!
Continue reading
ITS TIME FOR SCIENCE WEEK!! Continue reading
2 Bucks a Beaker
I don’t know about you, but I’m dreading the start of the semester. I guess I’ll go drink my worries away at 2-Bucks-A-Beaker! Hakuna matata my friends, hakuna matata.
As a bonus: All Chemistry Undergrads that are graduating this year, attending the event, will be entered to win a prize! The prize winner will be announced at 8pm during the event.
Time: 6:00pm-10:00pm
Date: January 8, 2016
Where: Chemistry Bldg, CHEM D211 (Grad Lounge)
(1 goverment issued photo ID)
**Important: Please note that the Chemistry D Block Bldg locks at 6pm, please arrive 20 minutes prior to start of event. You may also leave us a message below at the day of the event and an executive member will let you in the Main Mall (middle doors) D Block entrance after hours up until 8pm**
Chemistry Tutors
Exam Packs
Finals are right around the corner and I’m sure that you’ve already completed ALL the practice exams that you can find. Way to go you! But before start drifting into a meaningless existence where there are no more practice exams to hold off your thirst for final exam dominance, you should come buy these super secret exclusive exam packs from the UCS.
2 Bucks a Beaker
The rumors ARE true, BIOSOC and UCS are teaming up to host the next 2 Bucks a Beaker! This is probably the greatest pair since Jay-Z and Beyoncé, and EVERYONE loves Beyoncé. The point is, you don’t want to miss this! Continue reading
Mini Beaker Christmas Candygrams
Halloween is officially over and and since Canada doesn’t have any major holidays between now and Christmas (A serious problem that we need to rally together as a country to solve, but I digress), it’s time to plan for Christmas! Continue reading
Professional Communications Workshop
Jealous of all your Sauder and computer science friends who have it easy on the job market? Fear not, UCS has your back! Continue reading
Vote Kea for SUS Rep!!
Voting is open from September 28th until October 2nd at 12pm @
UBC Chemistry Apparel
Faculty Meet and Greet
Get to know your chemistry faculty members at this casual wine and cheese event! Must be 19+ to attend, RSVP Required! RSVP here.
Killam Teaching Award
Every year the Faculty of Science awards 5 Killam Teaching awards to acknowledge excellence in undergraduate teaching and to promote the importance of science education. This is YOUR chance to recognize a professor, instructor, or lecturer in the Faculty of Science who has inspired you!
Chemical Institute of Canada Visit

Lab Sales
Did someone say SALE!? UCS will be holding lab sales from Wednesday Sept.9th until Friday. Sept. 18th. See something you like? Then drop by B150 and B250 at the times listed below.
Imagine Day 2015!
Welcome back! (or if this is your first time to UBC, welcome!)
No one likes the first day of school, that’s why UBC cancels all the classes on the first day, Tuesday, September 8th, and throws a giant party instead, the best part? YOU’RE INVITED!
2 Bucks a Beaker
Start the year off right at the first 2 Bucks a Beaker event of the year! RSVP now on facebook!! Continue reading